The Backyard

The Backyard

Monday, August 3, 2009

How are the Winter Vege's Coming Along?

My first try at growing winter crops is turning out pretty darn good. Mother Nature has really, really been kind to my kids and blessing them with a plethora of moisture; so much so I haven't had to water these seedlings in over a week. It's a very rare mid-summer when you don't have to water seeds. The only problem I had was with the Swiss Chard -- something was chewing them off as quick as they sprouted. Everything else sprouted beautifully and is coming along beautifully: Collard greens, asian mustard, chinese cabbage, thai lettuce, romaine lettuce, spinach, carrots, radicchio, endive, chicory, red beets, and broccoli. I think I'll stick some turnips in the ground yet and that will be it. Turnip greens are very high in calcium. I was also going to do dandelion and radishes but may not -- just not sure with all the greens I already have growing. The picture below that looks like a big empty space next to the corn? That would the spot where the green beans were that now have baby broccoli growing.

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