The Backyard

The Backyard

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekly Harvest - June 18

Thanks to Daphne's Dandelions for hosting Monday Harvests.  I really am enjoying reading other folks harvests.  Last week I did a running total of all food produced as of June 10.  This week I'll start a weekly total. At the end of the season and possibly throughout the season, I'll give a grand total to date.  Here is last week's harvest:

Broccoli - 1 pound
Kale - 1/2 pound
Mixed Greens - 3/4 pound
Onions - 1.50 pounds
Sugar Peas - 2.50 pounds
Snap Peas - 1.50 pounds
Radicchio - .50 (pulled all of it: hubby and I don't care for the taste)
Radishes - 2 pounds
Red Beets - 4.25 pounds
Total Vegetables for the week:  14.50 pounds

Black Raspberries (growing wild): 5 quarts
Strawberries:  4 quarts (finished for the season; post coming on strawberry maintenance)

Total berries: 9 quarts


Adventures in Agriburbia said...

Looks like you are getting a lot of berries. Very cool.

Mary Hysong said...

wow that is a lot of strawberries! it will be a couple of years before I can get there, but I would love to have that many.

Chili said...

Yes, we were very pleased with our strawberry harvest this year but decided 37 quarts is about all we can handle. It seemed my life was consumed by strawberries for about two weeks solid. Someone said, "sell them." And I said, "no way... that's our food this winter!"