The Backyard

The Backyard

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Harvest Monday - August 27

Just at a time that I'm wishing for frost, the garden is experiencing a regrowth. I had a flush of tomatoes and green beans about a month ago after the first rain following about a month of dryness, then they sort of diminished, NOW they are coming back. At least the green beans are right now, and the tomatoes are not far behind judging by the amount of green tomatoes on the bushes. No sign of late blight here. Wow... just lush, green, viney, non-stop tomatoes. Holy tomato-picking.  Peppers are in full swing and the freezer is getting very full of bags of peppers.  Red raspberries are also a daily picking from now until frost.  I'm averaging about 3/4 of a quart a day.   My total poundage is tapering off for the week with only 63 pounds of goodies, but I know that will kick pick back up once I start digging up the potatoes and sweet potatoes in a few weeks, not to mention the second flush of tomatoes and all the peppers yet to be picked.  Come on frost!  (really!).
Harvests this week:
Watermelon:  20 pounds
Red Raspberries: 4 3/4 pounds
Celery: 2 pounds
Green Beans: 5 3/4 pounds
Peppers: 10 pounds
Red Beets: 1 1/2
Sweet Potatoes: 3/4 pounds
Tomatoes: 18 1/4

Total for the week:  63 pounds

Nardello red peppers

Corno di Toro Rossi Peppers.  Beautiful.

Traditional bells for mother dear.  She got about 10 pounds so far.

Beets are still in the ground from May/June. 

Tomatoes everywhere... especially peach tomatoes which I found are best eaten like fruit.

The regrowing green beans. 



Jenny Rottinger said...

wonderful harvest! love those gorgeous peppers.

Mary Hysong said...

Wow that is a lot of produce! Great looking pepper harvest; mine are just now starting to dribble in.

Sustainably Modern said...

837 lbs! that is awesome!